Vector Marketing US Program

If you are a successful undergraduate college student sales rep, chances are you are already on your way toward becoming a Vector Marketing All-American.

During the course of the year, Vector Marketing will recognize its Top 100 sales representatives, during three separate scholarship competitions, which will be held to correspond with the Vector Marketing seasonal sales campaigns. The following schedule will be maintained:

I JAN.-APRIL. TOP 25 $11,250
II MAY-AUG. TOP 50 $17,500
III SEPT.-DEC. TOP 25 $11,250

As a Vector Marketing All-American, you will receive a cash scholarship, personalized trophy, and recognition in the Vector Marketing All-American brochure. Scholarship monies will be awarded as follows:

#1 $1000 #5 $600
#2 $900 #6-#10 $500
#3 $800 #11-#25 $250
#4 $700

In addition to these cash prizes, Vector Marketing will provide a matching donation to the #1 winner’s college. Also, due to the large number of college student sales reps working with Vector during the summer months, $250 will be awarded to each rep #26-#50.

These awards will be made directly to the students and will be based strictly on sales performance; scholastic achievement and financial need are not taken into consideration.

If you are a full-time undergraduate college student, be sure that you are currently “activated” on our Vector Marketing All-American program tracking system. Your manager can confirm this for you. And most importantly, monitor your progress against the rest of the Vector Marketing All-American contenders in the nation (standings are issued to all managers on a weekly basis). See where you stand, then set your goals accordingly. You’ll be well on your way to becoming a Vector Marketing All-American!


The All-American Scholarship Program is open only to full-time undergraduate students who are active sales representatives at the conclusion of the competition period. To be eligible to compete for this award, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Campaign I & III: Students must complete a minimum of 12 undergraduate credit hours (or the equivalent full-time status) at an accredited college or university.
  2. Campaign II: Students must be enrolled and registered for a minimum of 12 credit hours (or equivalent full-time status) as an undergraduate student at an accredited college or university for the upcoming fall semester
  3. All competitors in Campaigns I & III must submit an official transcript reflecting grades and full-time status. Campaign II competitors must submit an official registration reflecting full-time status for the upcoming term.
  4. All winners will provide a digital head-shot and quote for use in corporate publications and electronic media.


For starters, it means helping to pay your next tuition bill! But above all, it means gaining the experience, confidence, and communication skills necessary to succeed in whatever career path you choose upon graduation!